00 09/02/2013 01:27
Cataloged as NGC 7635, it is also known simply as The Bubble Nebula.
Above and right of the Bubble's center is a hot. several hundred thousand times more luminous and around 45 times more massive than the Sun. A fierce stellar wind and intense radiation from that star has blasted out the structure of glowing gas against denser material in a surrounding molecular cloud. The intriguing Bubble Nebula lies a mere 11,000 light-years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia. This view of the cosmic bubble is composed of narrowband and broadband image data, capturing details in the emission region while recording a natural looking field of stars.

Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120804.html

Bubble Nebula fotografata da Evangelos Souglakos con Atik 314L on Equinox ED120