00 23/12/2009 00:21
Re: Re: stufato alla Guinness
Etrusco, 22/12/2009 21.51:

alla fine ho preso Grimbergen Blond, Kwak e La Trappe Blond...
spero bene [SM=x44450]

Tra le tre ci vedrei meglio di tutte la kwak, anche se solitamente viene consigliata soprattutto da abbinare ai dolci. Però le note di caramello della birra potrebbero richiamare il dolciastro del miele e della cipolla nel cibo... non so, io la vedrei bene ;)


And love was there in vain, PROFOUND and deep but traced with pain - too early for a child of TEN
Loving the pure and sane he sought the goddess unstained - watching them turn to flesh again
HUNGRY for both the PURITY and SIN
Life seemed to him merely like a GALLERY of how to be
And he was always much more HUMAN than he wished to be
But there is a LOGIC to his world, if they could only see
(Pain of Salvation - Beyond the pale)